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Are bears up, Bear safety, Bears moving around, Hibernation bears, Outdoors -

The Boss - Bear No 122 is up as of Monday, March 18.   The big grizzlies are usually the first to emerge and you'll see increased bear activity now and going forward as the warmer weather rolls in. With snow still found at higher elevations, bears will be headed to lower elevations in search of food.   Be prepared while you enjoy the outdoors this Spring and Summer. Full Article on the Boss emerging

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About cougars For this full article visit Human Wildlife conflict If you see a cougar in your community, call your nearest Fish and Wildlife office. A Fish and Wildlife officer can provide advice on preventing cougar encounters and responding when cougar encounters are unavoidable. Fish & Wildlife Office Contacts Cougars are efficient predators that feed largely on deer. The rest of their diet consists of elk, moose, bighorn sheep and small mammals. A healthy cougar population is an indication of a thriving local ecosystem. In years when deer, elk and moose numbers are high, the number of cougars will be...

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For those that are looking to the great outdoors for their mental health and to enjoy the great outdoors, remember to stay prepared while enjoying the outdoors.   What to do if you encounter a bear?   Defensive Encounter May occur when a bear is defending something such as cubs, its food source or if the bear is surprised by your presence.  Do not run Ready your bear spray Try to appear non-threatening, avoiding eye contact Talk in a calm voice Slowly move away without turning your back to the bear Use your bear spray if the bear comes within usable range...

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As we enjoy the outdoors and the mental health the outdoors brings, it's important that we remember to stay safe in bear country and carry bear spray.  Travelling in smaller groups to keep our social distances makes carrying bear spray even more essential.   So, what's the difference in bears?   Black bears can be black, blue-black, dark brown, brown, cinnamon and even white. Grizzlies can range from from black to blond. Size is not a good indicator of which species is which.  Black bears can weigh up to 800 pounds in the fall, and grizzly bears on Alberta’s Eastern Slopes can weigh as little...

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Bear safety, How to be safe around bears, Live use of bear spray, Outdoors, Wildlife Safety -

Here's a viral video of Sabre Wild Max bear spray being used on an actual bear.  For an encounter like this with a curious/predatory bear, bear experts advise:  Do not run Ready your bear spray Intimidate the bear - make yourself look as big as possible and shout aggressively at the bear. Use your bear spray if the bear comes within the usable range of the bear spray you're carrying.  (Typically 4-10m or 13-30 feet).  9m-10.5m for Frontiersman/Sabre 1% bear spray depending on wind, weather and canister size).   Video of Sabre Wild Max 225g bear spray being used in a...

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