What do you do if you encounter a bear?

What do you do if you encounter a bear?

For those that are looking to the great outdoors for their mental health and to enjoy the great outdoors, remember to stay prepared while enjoying the outdoors.  

What to do if you encounter a bear?


Defensive Encounter

May occur when a bear is defending something such as

cubs, its food source or if the bear is surprised by your


  • Do not run
  • Ready your bear spray
  • Try to appear non-threatening, avoiding eye contact
  • Talk in a calm voice
  • Slowly move away without turning your back to the bear
  • Use your bear spray if the bear comes within usable range of your bear spray (typically 4-10 m (13-30 feet) depending on wind & weather
  • Spray using both hands, following manufacturers directions
  • Aim directly in front of the bear’s head and a little downward
  • If the bear makes contact with you, play dead lying on your stomach with your legs spread apart and your hands interlaced behind your neck to protect it


Non-Defensive or Predatory Encounter

May occur when a bear is aware of your presence but still

approaches you, or when a bear makes contact at night.

This behaviour could be considered curious, indifferent, or


  • Do not run
  • Ready your bear spray
  • Intimidate the bear - make yourself look as big as possible and shout aggressively at the bear
  • Use your bear spray if the bear comes within the usable range of your bear spray, typically 4-10m (13-30 feet) depending on wind, weather & canister size)
  • If the bear makes contact, fight back!
  • Attack the eyes, face and nose


    Kodiak Wildlife Products Inc.